[OpenLayers-Users] GML, Point and Change the Size of the Circle...

Kit Plummer kitplummer at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 23:10:08 EDT 2008

Ok, first let me plead practical ignorance here.  I've only been  
working with OpenLayers for about a week.  And, I'm integrating it  
into ExtJS.  I have a known GML file that contains Points.  I'd like  
to be able to add an attribute to each element that would specify the  
size of the circle that gets drawn by OL.  Am I out of luck here?  If  
not, would somebody be so nice as to point me in the right direction?   
Thanks in advance.

FWIW, I can read from the file and have OpenLayers work the layer on  
to my map.  Success so far.


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