[OpenLayers-Users] Edit shapefiles using editing toolbar

Lance Dyas lancelot at inetnebr.com
Fri Feb 15 17:11:13 EST 2008

The feature that catches my attention is Geoserver being able to do the  
present the same data in your WMS, this capability along side todays 
limitation on browser
rendering of vector data, is no small thing. Face it SVG and or VML in 
the browsers creeps
to a crawl or worse if the data has any real magnitude.

I know you guys are Python hackers, I have recently started down that 
slope ;-) so I can
 see a python cgi having an appeal.

But the major difficulty of WFS-T seems to be defining filters? but I 
could well be missing something.

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 02:21:52PM -0600, Lance Dyas wrote:
>> Does anyone know enough to compare FeatureServer and Geoserver?
> FeatureServer is a Python-CGI, simple to set up, easy to have use OGR
> datasources, deployable on Apache. It's lightweight, simple, and
> designed for integration into OpenLayers via RESTful feature access.
> It is configured via a text file, and only serves features, but serves
> them in a number of vector formats.
> GeoServer is a mature, Java-based application, which is trivial to
> deploy on Apache Tomcat. It has a supremely high quality WFS
> transactional interface, and supports some different formats, but
> primarily only works via WFS and WFS-T. It is configured via a web
> interface primarily, has support for ESRI Arcsomething or other, and
> also can act as a WMS. 
> FeatureServer is lightweight, RESTful, and designed with the web in
> mind. 
> GeoServer is heavier, and designed with and around OGC standards; it is
> slightly less flexible/hackable, but much more mature.
> If you need to hack some feature editing together with OpenLayers, use
> FeatureServer. If you have to work with GIS-like data in a GIS-like
> environment, use GeoServer... but be aware that it will take some doing
> to get WFS-T-based feature editing into OL. 
> Regards,

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