[OpenLayers-Users] Displaying Multiple Markers from Database

Josh Livni mailing_lists at umbrellaconsulting.com
Sun Feb 17 12:55:34 EST 2008

Oh - woops.  You are right - there is no MySQL support currently (though 
it would not be that hard to add, especially if basing it just on the 
SQLite template rather than trying to use it's spatial features). 

That said, since Schone just wants to view stuff and does not 
necessarily need to write back to the db, it may well be just as easy to 
take your approach and just write a quick one-off php/python script to 
get the markers out in xml (wfs) or json...


Eric Lemoine wrote:
> On Feb 16, 2008 10:31 PM, Josh Livni
> <mailing_lists at umbrellaconsulting.com> wrote:
>> I believe that FeatureServer can use MySQL as a backend, in which case
>> you would:
> The front page of featureserver.org doesn't mention MySQL as a
> possible datastore. Chris will probably sched some light (once he's
> back from vacation :).
>>   - need to be able to run python cgi scripts on your server
>>   - do a quick setup of FeatureServer
>>   - request a url that gets you the markers in geojson or wfs
>>   - look at one of the various openlayers examples, such as wfs.html
>> and/or the featureserver.org demo
> --
> Eric

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