[OpenLayers-Users] getFeatureInfo request in new window + new map?

Maria Panagou snowdrop at ath.forthnet.gr
Tue Jan 22 19:57:42 EST 2008

is it possible to use variable substitution in a layer creator url,in a
header template file (getfeatureinfo) such as:

 var quakes = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "Óçìáíôéêïß Óåéóìïß", 
                        {map: '../htdocs/mpanagou/Quakes1local.map', 
                          layers: 'Quakes',ID=[codee]
						  transparent: true},
                          {isBaseLayer:false, singletile:true, reproject:

where ID is filter condition, [codee] attribute from getfeatureinfo.

in map file, layer quakes is defined by:

DATA "pos FROM (select * from public.quake_small where codee1=%ID%) as foo
using unique codee1 using SRID=4326"

in OL, the declaration of quakes as following works:

var quakes = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "Óçìáíôéêïß Óåéóìïß", 
                        {map: '../htdocs/mpanagou/Quakes1local.map', 
                          layers: 'Quakes',ID=721
						  transparent: true},
                          {isBaseLayer:false, singletile:true, reproject:

but i want id to be set dynamically as the value of codee attribute returned
by getfeatureinforequest

thank you
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