[OpenLayers-Users] How to extract attributes on layer load ?

Volodymer Grigorenko wolgri at ya.ru
Mon Jul 14 15:06:27 EDT 2008

On 14:14 Thu 19 Jun     , Ken-ichi wrote:
> Hi,

> Have you tried listening for the loadend or featuresadded events?  I
> haven't worked with WFS layers yet, so I don't know if this would
> work, but you could try

> yourWFSLayer.events.on({
>   'loadend': function() {
>     alert('foo');
>   }
> });

> map.addLayer(yourWFSLayer);

> -ken-ichi
Thanks this works but the next question.
How get map.layers[this digit] in function 
or how to give it as variable to function 

Му function

function func1(mnum){
        alert(mnum); //works 
            html = ""
            features = map.layers[mnum].features; //not works returns map.layers[mnum] undefind
            if (features.length == 0){html = ""}
            else  {
                html += "<p>Mid</p><div class=\"info\"><fieldset>";
                for (var f = 0; f < features.length; f++) {
                    html +="<input value=\""+features[f]+"\" type=\"checkbox\">" +features[f].attributes["datsetid"]+"</br>";
               html += "</fieldset></div>" 
            document.getElementById('select_wfsQ').innerHTML = html;

wfs_e.events.on({ 'loadend': func1(3) }); // if just func1 and define mnun inside function all ok 

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