[OpenLayers-Users] wfs stylemap example?
Ivan Grcic
ivan.grcic at geofoto.hr
Thu Jul 31 02:44:23 EDT 2008
"Do you know a
way to just change the color of a feature on "hover" without selecting
it ? That would be useful......"
Hi Alexandre,
I was wondering about the same funcionality here:
but with featureSelect control thats not possible...I still didnt have
time to look into it, but Eric said that I should create my own
feature handler-based control. Unfortunatly I still dont have enough
knowledge for that, but I think that it maybe could work by using
callback functions in featureSelect control.
var control = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectorLayer, {
hover: true,
clickout: false,
toggle: false,
multiple: false,
//onSelect: addPopup,
//onUnselect: removePopup,
callbacks: {
'over':feature_changeColor, 'out':feature_restoreColor
And in 'over':feature_changeColor, 'out':feature_restoreColor
functions I would change/restore color of one feature like its
described here:
Maybe it will work..dunno for sure. I will try this soon and I let you
know back!
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:33 PM, Alexandre Dube <adube at mapgears.com> wrote:
> Hi Arnd,
> Thanks for very much for your tips. That works just fine !
> But for my little application it's not really useful. Do you know a
> way to just change the color of a feature on "hover" without selecting
> it ? That would be useful for me because I have lines as vector
> features and those are really hard to select by clicking on them. You
> have to be really precise.
> With a color change, that would be easier to know you can now click
> on it. And I don't know if that's possible but it would be nice to have
> a bigger "pixel tolerance" when I click. Any clues about that ?
> Arnd Wippermann wrote:
>> Hi Alexandre,
>> i have also tried your example and get it working for me. Also for the
>> 'select' rule mentioned by Todd, but on the modifyFeature control instead on
>> the selectFeature control. I don't know why. Thanks for the example source.
>> To select a feature with hover you can set 'hover' to true for the
>> selectFeature control. See below.
>> It's the first time I tried the options for the selectFeature control in an
>> own application. They work great. Only 'shiftKey' is a bit awksome, because
>> if you don't hit the feature you zoom one level high.
>> Arnd Wippermann
>> part from select-feature.html:
>> drawControls = {
>> point: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
>> vectors, OpenLayers.Handler.Point
>> ),
>> line: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
>> vectors, OpenLayers.Handler.Path
>> ),
>> polygon: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
>> vectors, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon
>> ),
>> select: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(
>> vectors,
>> {
>> clickout: false, toggle: false,
>> multiple: false, hover: false,
>> toggleKey: "ctrlKey", // ctrl key removes from selection
>> multipleKey: "shiftKey" // shift key adds to selection
>> }
>> )
>> };
>> for(var key in drawControls) {
>> map.addControl(drawControls[key]);
>> }
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: users-bounces at openlayers.org [mailto:users-bounces at openlayers.org] Im
>> Auftrag von Alexandre Dube
>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2008 16:05
>> An: Brenningmeyer, Todd
>> Cc: Users at openlayers.org
>> Betreff: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] wfs stylemap example?
>> Hi Todd,
>> You're right. That would be the good way to set a color to a selected
>> feature. But first I suggest you to pick an other color than blue because
>> it is the default color for "select".
>> Second, you actually have to select it, like with a selectFeature or
>> modifyFeature control. By clicking on it, it will change your color.
>> See the example : http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/modify-feature.html
>> About the "hover" stuff, anybody correct me if I am wrong, but I would try
>> to register an event with "mousemove" that would call the clickFeature
>> function in the selectFeature.js file ( or an other function that does the
>> same thing ). Instead of having to click on the feature directly, being
>> over it would select it and change its color.
>> But, that would be annoying because if you would actually want to select
>> it ( and keep it selected ) you would not be able to because as soon as your
>> mouse would not be over it, it would be unselected.
>> Hope this can be of any help,
>> Brenningmeyer, Todd wrote:
>>> Thanks so much!!! That's just what I was looking for. My features are now
>> displaying as I'd hoped. Is it difficult to extend this to change features
>> that are selected onhover? I added:
>>> var selrules = [new OpenLayers.Rule({
>>> symbolizer: {strokeColor:"blue",strokeWidth: 2},
>>> elseFilter: true
>>> })];
>>> oStyleMap.styles["select"].addRules(selrules);
>>> to your .js file but nothing happens when I hover over the points
>>> (it's a bit gawdy but I just wanted to see if it would work). I think
>>> I need to add a control but haven't tried this before. Will this
>>> work? The points aren't currently changing. Are there additional
>>> considerations that I need to think about. I'm just trying to port my
>>> old mapserver interface to openlayers and any help is appreciated.
>>> Thanks again, Todd
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Alexandre Dube [mailto:adube at mapgears.com]
>>> Sent: Tue 7/29/2008 3:22 PM
>>> To: Brenningmeyer, Todd
>>> Cc: Users at openlayers.org
>>> Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] wfs stylemap example?
>>> Hi Todd,
>>> I have some to share. My WFS layer contains line features ( roads )
>>> and they have different color depending on their type ( Local road,
>>> Highway, etc ). I hope this can be of any help :
>>> ============= otherfile.js =============
>>> // prepare to style the data
>>> var oStyleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap();
>>> // Array of symbolizer and other values for ROL_CO_CLA attribute //
>>> this will be used to create a html select list and will be used // as
>>> the symbolizer array for the addUniqueValueRules function // sorry,
>>> there's some french words here :) var aRoadType = new Array();
>>> aRoadType = {
>>> AUT: {
>>> text: "Autoroute",
>>> strokeColor: "#ff0000", strokeWidth: 3 },
>>> NAT: {
>>> text: "Nationale",
>>> strokeColor:"#ff8c00", strokeWidth: 2 },
>>> REG: {
>>> text: "Régionale - Reg",
>>> strokeColor:"#ff8c00", strokeWidth: 2 },
>>> COL: {
>>> text: "Régionale - Col",
>>> strokeColor:"#ff8c00", strokeWidth: 2 },
>>> ACC: {
>>> text: "Locale - Acc",
>>> strokeColor:"#d2b48c", strokeWidth: 2 },
>>> LOC: {
>>> text: "Locale - Loc",
>>> strokeColor:"#d2b48c", strokeWidth: 2 },
>>> ACH: {
>>> text: "Chemin forestier - Ach",
>>> strokeColor:"#734c00", strokeWidth: 2 },
>>> MRN: {
>>> text:"Chemin forestier - Mrn",
>>> strokeColor:"#734c00", strokeWidth: 2 } }
>>> // a style will applies to each drawned vector feature depending on //
>>> the ROL_CO_CLA attribute value. It will match the good value and
>>> applies // the corresponding symbolizers
>>> oStyleMap.addUniqueValueRules("default", "ROL_CO_CLA", aRoadType);
>>> // If no rules applies to the current vector feature, that means it's
>>> // not a road, but an other type of feature like a circle for drag //
>>> control. The "elseFilter: true" is used to display those vectors.
>>> var rules = [new OpenLayers.Rule({
>>> symbolizer: {strokeColor:"#FF0000",strokeWidth: 2},
>>> elseFilter: true
>>> })];
>>> oStyleMap.styles["default"].addRules(rules);
>>> ============= yourHTMLFile.html =============
>>> --- inside your <head> section ---
>>> <script src="otherfile.js"></script>
>>> --- inside your init() function ---
>>> OpenLayers.Feature.Vector.style['default']['strokeWidth'] = '2';
>>> // then some variables... map definition... base layer ... some WMS
>>> layers ... and :
>>> olWFSRoads = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS( "Roads - WFS", sMSURL, {
>>> typename: "roads", map: sMapPath }, { extractAttributes: true,
>>> minScale: 49999,
>>> typename: "roads", styleMap: oStyleMap } );
>>> // then addlayers, controls, etc. and your <body>
>>> Brenningmeyer, Todd wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Does anyone have an example code snippet that shows how to use a stylemap
>> with wfs data that is being served as vectors (I'm trying to serve up
>> points). I've been trying to get this to work using some of the examples on
>> the wiki but I can't quite get the syntax to work properly. If anyone has
>> ideas or an example that would be great.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Todd
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>> --
>> Alexandre Dubé
>> Mapgears
>> www.mapgears.com
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> --
> Alexandre Dubé
> Mapgears
> www.mapgears.com
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