[OpenLayers-Users] Firefox vs. IE error

christian.braun at tudor.lu christian.braun at tudor.lu
Thu Jun 26 04:58:39 EDT 2008

Hi list I created a really small OpenLayer application.
In Firefox it is working flawlessly, even Firebug isnt aware of errors.

In Internet Expolorer I get the following error message without any image 
"Line: 537"
"Char: 204"
"Error: 'undefined' is null or not an object"
"Code: 0"

I am using this code:

var map;
            function init(){
                map = new OpenLayers.Map ("map", {
                    new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(),
                    new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar(),
                    new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution(),
                    new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition(),
                    new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine(),
                numZoomLevels: 5,
                maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(57500, 57500, 106600, 
                maxResolution: 'auto',
                units: 'm',
                projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:2169")
                } );

                layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image(
                                new OpenLayers.Bounds(57500, 57500, 
106600, 101800),
                                //new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:2169"),
                                new OpenLayers.Size(491,443)

                layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image(
                                new OpenLayers.Bounds(57500, 57500, 
106600, 101800),
                                //new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:2169"),
                                new OpenLayers.Size(491,443), {
                                        isBaseLayer: false}

                roads = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image(
                                new OpenLayers.Bounds(57500, 57500, 
106600, 101800),
                                //new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:2169"),
                                new OpenLayers.Size(491,443), {
                                        isBaseLayer: false}

              gml_roads  = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML(
                                new OpenLayers.Bounds(57500, 57500, 
106600, 101800),
                                {isBaseLayer: false}

            map.addLayers([layer1, layer2, roads]);
            map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,


Dipl. Geogr. Christian Braun
Tel: +352- 425991-608
Mobil: +49-179-6845896
Mail: christian.braun at tudor.lu

Resource Centre for Environmental Technologies,
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor,
Technoport Schlassgoart,
66 rue de Luxembourg,
P.O. BOX 144,
L-4002 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
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