[OpenLayers-Users] Display maps in OL from mapserver

Chen kuja eiclkun at gmail.com
Tue May 6 10:37:17 EDT 2008

Thanks for your helpful tip. I saw this format from a old post, so i
thought it might be the right way to do with mapfile. Anyway, after changing
the code, the worldmap file(from tutorial) works pretty well. But my file's
output turned into an odd way. like in this screenshot
 Within the border, only a little dot exits.

Projection issue, I know this from FAQ and some old posts. But still, I
can't understand. My shp files were built under WGS84. And I  want to
integrate my base map and google earth's hybid image. So I chose
longitude&latitude as my extend. Openlayer's default projection type is epsg
4326 which matches WGS84, right?

Besides, the extent vaules in either my mapfile or worldmap's is in
latitude&longitude format.
this is image link of my mapfile's
and the  mapfile

  NAME hzau
  # Map image size
  SIZE 800 800

  EXTENT 114.327181 30.454108 114.363140 30.495525

world map's
also the mapfile
NAME world
  # Map image size
  SIZE 800 800

  EXTENT -179.999900 -90 179.999900 90

I guess with the openlayer's default extent, the export image should be a
little small, not a dot(still a dot after zooming for 5 times)
Or I should just set extent manually?

best wish

2008/5/6 Christian López Espínola <penyaskito at gmail.com>:

> Hi Chen,
> On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 8:31 AM, Chen kuja <eiclkun at gmail.com> wrote:
> >             map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'map' );
> >             layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer( "OpenLayers WMS",
> >                      "http://127.1/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?", { layers:
> > 'Shp_Lakes',
> >  map: 'map=/ms4w/apps/map.map'} );
> >             map.addLayer(layer);
> Try with
> >  map: '/ms4w/apps/map.map'} );
> >             map.addLayer(layer);
> --
> Regards,
> Christian López Espínola
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