[OpenLayers-Users] Subtle issue with Safari/Opera

Diego Guidi diegoguidi at gmail.com
Tue May 20 05:06:50 EDT 2008

I'm working in a issue that compares only in safari and opera
browsers, and I'm searching for any kind of suggestion...
I have a monitor component that listens for a loadstart/loadend event
and shows/hide an animated gif... nothing complicated: in my code
(that I've modified form a source code published in this mailing list)
I have a monitor functions like this.
monitor: function(layer)
layer.events.register('loadstart', this, this.start);
layer.events.register('loadcancel', this, this.end);
layer.events.register('loadend', this, this.end);
and I use this component to monitor a WMS layer with a singleTile
option activated.

All works well in IE and Firefox2, but in Safari 3.1 and Opera 9.2 the
loadend event is thrown immediately, and not when the load  is
effectively terminated! I'm pretty sure about this because I've
verified (via console.log messages) that loadend is generated
immediately after loadstart.
This is maybe strange, but the really strange issue is that the same
monitor component (exactly the same lines of code) works well (in all
the browsers!) in another website build from my colleague: in this
website the component is used to monitor the same WMS layer, uses
google data as background like the mine, but something is different
(as example, we used different custom layer switchers).
The main point is that my website uses OL 2.6 (actually, I'm using
http://openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js to grab OL from internet),
when my colleague uses OL 2.5 from a local repository.
So maybe something has changed in event model from 2.5 to 2.6?

Diego Guidi

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