[OpenLayers-Users] Pattern for overlaying KML data on Google Map layer?

Martin Davis mbdavis at refractions.net
Mon Nov 3 16:52:22 EST 2008

Is there a standard pattern for creating a map with both a Google Maps 
layer and a regular KML file, so that they overlay correctly?  My first 
attempt simply added both layers in with no particular reprojection, and 
while this makes both visible and *sort of* in the same reference 
system, the KML file "drifts" when I pan the map vertically.

I realize that there are a fair number of messages about this kind of 
thing, but I'm finding it a bit of work to figure out *exactly* how this 
should be done.  Or is it even possible?  Do you have to reproject the 
KML file to match the GM projection?

As far as I see there is no OpenLayers example page for doing this.  
Seems like this would be a common use case - perhaps it would be worth 
making one?

Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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