[OpenLayers-Users] Question on changing Popups on Textlayer

Dirk Umlauffd Dirk.Umlauffd at web.de
Sun Nov 16 13:53:17 EST 2008

Am Sonntag 16 November 2008 schrieb Christopher Schmidt:
> On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 05:47:05PM +0100, Dirk Umlauffd wrote:
> > I feel like I read this answer already 2 or three times. But it is - in my opinion - not really the answer to my question.
> > I already use the Layer.Text and would like to improve the look and feel.
> > 
> > If the "hack" would solve the problem, could you please explain where to put the code?
> > As "patch" into Text.js?
> No. Copy the code, put it in your <script> tag. 
Thanks I will give it a chance.

> > If Layer.GML is so much better, is there a tool to merge already existent textfiles into this layer?
> Yes, 
>   new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("My Layer", 
>                            "filename.txt", 
>                            {format: OpenLayers.Format.Text });
> See also: http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/sundials-spherical-mercator.html 
I'm sorry, but the example uses KML Files (xml) and not plain textfiles.
Could you please provide a correct example?

> Regards,

Best Regards
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