[OpenLayers-Users] Print / Saving Image

Gregor Mosheh gregor at hostgis.com
Wed Oct 1 18:31:05 EDT 2008

Hey neat. I wrote that. :)

> "The requested URL
> /openLayers/temp/<br />Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
> /var/www/lib/printMap.php on line 20<br
> />http://www.host.com/cgi-bin/temp/9b4a7f4ef0672726291d3aa75c387802.jpg was
> not found on this server."

The print.php script is generating the warning:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
/var/www/lib/printMap.php on line 20

The client's end is rather simplistic, taking whatever the server says 
and opening a window to it. And it's true, there's no file named 
"Warning invalid argument..."

So let's start there at line 20. What is it foreaching that it would 
consider invalid? It should be $tiles, which is a json-decoded list of 
tiles' data. Please check that $tiles is defined, and is an array.

If not, check the client-side JavaScript and ensure that it's generating 
the proper JSON-encoded list. In this process, you may find Firebug (a 
debugging tool for Firefox) invaluable for tracking down what exactly is 
being POSTed.

Gregor Mosheh / Greg Allensworth    BS, A+, Network+, Security+, Server+
System Administrator, Lead Programmer
HostGIS development & hosting services, http://www.HostGIS.com/

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