[OpenLayers-Users] CAD-like functions in Openlayers?

Lehtonen, Mika mika at digikartta.net
Thu Oct 2 04:41:24 EDT 2008


has anyone any experiences, opinions or ideas of building CAD-like 
behaviour on your webapplication based on OL API? What I mean is a small 
scale CAD functionality for example in the following tasks:
1) Snap to existing feature. Example: When drawing a line, the start 
point would snap onto the existing line end point when the distance of 
the cursor would
go below a certain predefined value.
2) Extend two separate lines, with different directions, so that their 
end points would meet.
3) Trim a line with a crossing line.

So what I'm looking for, is a small topological tool pack. I understand 
the restrictions set by the web browsers, but does this make any sense 
otherways? Could this be realized by any reasonable means? Any 
hints/opinions; is it possible, where to start, main principles to carry 
this out etc. are most welcome.

- mika -

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