[OpenLayers-Users] From Combo to Map

Luciano - Uol l.s.borges at uol.com.br
Thu Oct 2 09:16:41 EDT 2008

Hi All,

When I draw a polygon in a map, i put this id in a combobox, i would 
like to know how can i choose an item from combobox and automaticaly 
make the polygon selected?
I know how to select the polygon clicking there.

See my code:
// after create a polygon, put this id a combobox
  function onFeatureAdded(feature){
    idVetor = feature.id.split("_")[1];
    tpVetor = feature.geometry.toString().split("(")[0];
    with (document.f1.poligonos) {
        options[options.length] = new Option (tpVetor + " " + idVetor, 

  function selecionaPoligono(vetor){
    // the code i want comes here.

//HTML Code - here i'll put the vector
      <select name="poligonos" onchange="selecionaPoligono(this.value)">
          <option value="null">Selecione um polígono</option>

Thanks, Luciano.

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