[OpenLayers-Users] Trap double click event for WMS layer

Subha Ramakrishnan subha at gslab.com
Thu Oct 2 09:52:19 EDT 2008


Thanks for the reply. I did check that example. Let me try it again.
And I didn't mean to be harsh by saying "Expecting reply". I was in need 
of a solution because of my project deadlines which is why i said that.
I am sorry if that sounded rude.

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 02, 2008 at 05:40:31PM +0530, Subha Ramakrishnan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using openlayers with google physical as the base map.
>> And i overlay a WMS polygon layer on top of it using mapserver. And on 
>> single click of the polygon, i highlight the polygon and display the 
>> pop-up.
>> This happens when i double click on the polygon also.I don't want the 
>> polygon to be selected on double click and i want it to only zoom in.
>> How do i do this??
> It sounds like you're not uing a Click Handler.
> http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/click-handler.html has exampels of
> using a click handler (rather than the browser click event) to solve
> this problem.
>> Expecting reply from someone.
> I assume this is just a language issue, but just so you know, "Expecting
> reply" is a bit harsh in English; something like "Look forard to any
> replies" would come across slightly better. 
>> Regards,
>> Subha
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