[OpenLayers-Users] Polygon Cluster

Jerome Freyre jerome.freyre at hispeed.ch
Mon Oct 27 12:15:24 EDT 2008

It's Jerome ;)

Unfortunaly not... All the feature added in a Layer that use the cluster
strategy will be represented as a point.

If at a certain level of zoom you want to display the feature as his "real
representation" (point, polygon, linestring), you can use the method

In a project, I purpose to the user to (de)activate the "clustering mode". 
If the user feel that the map is not "readable" he can (de)activate the mode
by clicking a checkbox.

I think it is interessant to let the user choose to activate or not the

Jacolin Yves wrote:
> Le Monday 27 October 2008 16:42:39 Jerome Freyre, vous avez écrit :
>> It's normal because the cluster strategy replace your features with
>> points.
>> The main goal for a cluster strategy is to regroup features that are
>> close
>> and make the map the more "readable".
>> And with the cluster strategy you can change the radius of the clustered
>> points like that :
>> // Définit les styles des features
>> var style = new OpenLayers.Style({
>>         fillColor: "#ee9900",
>>         fillOpacity: 0.8,
>>         hoverFillColor: "#ee9900",
>>         hoverFillOpacity: 0.8,
>>         strokeColor: "#ee9900",
>>         strokeOpacity: 0.8,
>>         strokeWidth: 1,
>>         strokeLinecap: "round",
>>         strokeDashstyle: "solid",
>>         hoverStrokeColor: "blue",
>>         hoverStrokeOpacity: 1,
>>         hoverStrokeWidth: 0.2,
>>         pointRadius: "${radius}",
>>         hoverPointRadius: 1,
>>         hoverPointUnit: "%",
>>         pointerEvents: "visiblePainted",
>>         cursor: "inherit"
>>     }, {
>>         context: {
>>             radius: function(feature) {
>>                     return Math.min(feature.attributes.count, 9) + 4;
>>             }
>>     });
>>     view = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("View", {
>>                 //        strategies:  [fixedStrategy, clusterStrategy,
>> lineStringclusterStrategy],
>> 						strategies:  [fixedStrategy, clusterStrategy],
>>                         protocol: myprotocol,
>>                         styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
>>                             "default": style,
>>                             "select": {
>>                             fillColor: "#8aeeef",
>>                             strokeColor: "#32a8a9"
>>                         }
>>                     })
>>                 });
>> Hope it will help you ;)
> Hi Jeremy,
> Unfortunately not! The polygons are never shown even if I decrease the 
> distance to 1 or 2px. I expected to see polygone at some zoom level, even 
> when I am supposed to see them.
> I may be wrong but even the cluster strategy is to regroup features that
> are 
> close, I suppose to see polygons when they are quiet far away. Isn't it?
> One of the polygon in the link I gave in my first email is quiet big but
> never 
> shown (the northest point, surrounding the 9).
> Thanks,
> Y.
> -- 
> Yves Jacolin
> ---
> http://softlibre.gloobe.org
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