[OpenLayers-Users] Multiple labels on the same polygon
Lehtonen, Mika
mika at digikartta.net
Wed Oct 29 02:46:50 EDT 2008
No no,
the functionality of OL is quite adequate for me as it's now. Actually
using SingleTile renders the labels almost exactly like I wanted them to
render. What I was refering to was that using TILED:true doesn't work
for me for some reason. With just polygon layer it works, but with
Google map as a base map it stop working properly. Some of the tiles in
the view don't get rendered at all. The outcome is bands with missing
polygon/label layer in the edge of the view.
But never mind. SingleTile works just fine. My polygon/label layer is
quite light.
Thanks anyway,
- mika -
Tim Schaub kirjoitti:
> Hey-
> Lehtonen, Mika wrote:
>> Hi again Tim,
>> obviously I have to move on to server side caching, but I decided to
>> first try TILED: true parameter. The problem with that is that not all
>> the tiles are rendered in the screen. And also the multiple label on
>> single polygon problem persists with certain zoom levels. With Single
>> Tile everything is working fine though I probably suffer of some
>> performance lack, I guess.
> Right, if you really want absolute control over label position, you
> label points (or create label points for your polygons).
> If there were some option to only label polygon centroid, then you would
> loose any label conflict detection/resolution.
> In general, the more control you want over the behavior, the more you
> are going to have to maintain - and modify when you change your mind.
> This is getting pretty far from the functionality provided by OpenLayers.
> Tim
>> - mika -
>> Tim Schaub kirjoitti:
>>> Hey-
>>> Lehtonen, Mika wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am trying to do some labels on polygons which are in an overlay
>>>> layer on top of Google Map base layer. The polygon data is served
>>>> through WMS (Geoserver). Labels are produced in GeoServer using its
>>>> own style definition (TextSymbolizer). The problem is that larger
>>>> polygons get more than one label on them. I would prefer them to have
>>>> exactly one per polygon. If I test the polygon layer with Geoserver's
>>>> OL preview, everything is just like I would want it to be. But my
>>>> html page is something else.
>>> Regarding labels, your WMS layer probably uses multiple tiles (unless
>>> you set singleTile to true). With multiple tile requests, the server
>>> treats each as independent, so it will faithfully label as many
>>> polygons as the tile bounds intersect.
>>> A good solution for nicely labeled tiles that improves performance is
>>> to use something that creates meta-tiles (big tiles that are sliced
>>> into smaller ones) and caches your rendered tiles. Both TileCache and
>>> GeoWebCache will do this for you.
>>> If you have data that changes frequently - or some other reason not to
>>> cache tiles on the server - you can use the non-standard TILED and
>>> TILESORIGIN parameters in your WMS request. This tells GeoServer that
>>> multiple requests are coming in for tiles, and it figures out which
>>> polygons to label.
>>> See these two examples:
>>> http://tinyurl.com/tiledfalse (TILED=false)
>>> http://tinyurl.com/tiledtrue (TILED=true)
>>> Read the bit on "On the fly meta tiler":
>>> http://geoserver.org/display/GEOSDOC/WMS+vendor+parameters#WMSvendorparameters-TILED
>>> Also, view the source of your GeoServer layer preview to see the use
>>> in an OpenLayers page.
>>>> I also noticed that the scale in my page when compared to scale in
>>>> the OL preview, is different. However, the SLD seem to be obeying the
>>>> scale value although the real map scale is different. Could that
>>>> differ be the key to my problems?
>>> OpenLayers assumes a display resolution of 72 dots per inch by
>>> default. This is almost always wrong (but an app designer has no way
>>> of knowing).
>>> The SLD spec says the following:
>>> The "standardized rendering pixel size" is defined to be 0.28mm ×
>>> 0.28mm (millimeters).
>>> Which (as it admits) is frequently wrong (and generally unknown by the
>>> server). But, at least it is a standard.
>>> The GeoServer layer preview sets the OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH constant
>>> to match the SLD "standardized rendering pixel size." You can do this
>>> as well in your application:
>>> OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH = 25.4 / 0.28;
>>>> I will deliver further information if needed. OL is either 2.7 or the
>>>> one delivered with Geoserver 1.7.0.
>>> None of the above will be different with any 2.x version of
>>> OpenLayers. But it looks like OpenLayers 2.7 got in to GeoServer 1.7
>>> (http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOS-2279).
>>> Good luck,
>>> Tim
>>>> - mika -
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