[OpenLayers-Users] Reprojection

Lehtonen, Mika mika at digikartta.net
Thu Oct 30 08:34:32 EDT 2008

Never mind,
it is possible with proj4js, but not with just OL? Just had some 
configuration problems. It works now.


Lehtonen, Mika kirjoitti:
> Hi,
> is it possible to reproject polygon geometry from epsg:900913 to epsg:2393?
> I tried to do it with this without succes:
> feature.geometry.transform(new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"), new 
> OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:2393"));
> I downloaded proj4js.js, merc.js, tmerc.js and epsg900319.js + I created 
> epsg2393.js. With or without these libraries, reprojection doesn't take 
> place. OL is 2.7.
> - mika -
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