[OpenLayers-Users] change layer order

Till Adams adams at terrestris.de
Wed Sep 10 08:06:50 EDT 2008

Dear list,

is there any idea or possibility to change the order of layers in OL?

I found one point which might be of interest in this context, bit I have 
no real idea how to

OpenLayers.Util.IndexOf(ma.layers, layername)
Gives me the actual index position of a layer called "layername"

Thanks in advance and regards,


terrestris GmbH & Co. KG
Irmintrudisstrasse 17
53111 Bonn

Till Adams

Tel: +49 (0)228 / 962 899-52
Fax: +49 (0)228 / 962 899-57
adams at terrestris.de http://www.terrestris.de
Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6835


terrestris Verwaltungs GmbH

vertreten durch:
Hinrich Paulsen, Till Adams

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