[OpenLayers-Users] centerLayerContainer is setting pixel center to
0, 0
Eric Mckenna
emckenna at phase2technology.com
Fri Aug 7 20:02:16 EDT 2009
I've been through this for two days now and can't get this figured out. I can see why it's happening, but everything I see online about calling Gmap.checkResize() doesn't fix this particular problem.
This bug happens about 90% of the time, the other 10% the map renders correctly and gets the correct center.
For my popup, I'm using the JS Tools overlay.
What my popup and map look like.
Here's my debug output.
Here's how I call centerLayerContainer:
function hotspotsLaunchDetails(anchor) {
function(data) {
hotspotsRenderDetailMap("hotspot-overlay-map", data.hotspot);
var map = Drupal.hotspotsMap['hotspot-overlay-map'];
var lat = Number(data.hotspot.latitude);
var lon = Number(data.hotspot.longitude);
var hotspot = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat);
// I added this here since the map should always be available after rendering.
return false;
and where I set up my map.
function hotspotsRenderDetailMap(id, config) {
var lat = Number(config.latitude);
var lon = Number(config.longitude);
var zoom = Number(config.zoom);
var image = config.marker;
var hotspot = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat);
OpenLayers.ImgPath = config.imgpath;
var map = new OpenLayers.Map(id, {
controls: [
new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(),
new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar(),
new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine(),
new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher()
// In case something needs to get at this later
if (!Drupal.hotspotsMap) {
Drupal.hotspotsMap = [];
Drupal.hotspotsMap[id] = map;
var google = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(
"Google Hybrid",
{ type: G_HYBRID_MAP,
numZoomLevels: 18,
//google.setMapObjectCenter(hotspot, zoom);
if (!map.getCenter()) {
//var epsg4326 = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
var epsg3785 = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:3785");
//hotspot.transform(epsg4326, map.getProjectionObject());
hotspot.transform(epsg3785, map.getProjectionObject());
map.setCenter(hotspot, zoom);
//google.setMapObjectCenter(hotspot, zoom);
map.setLayerIndex(markers, 100);
Eric Mckenna
Software Engineer
Phase2 Technology
direct: 703.548.6050,110
emckenna at phase2technology.com
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