[OpenLayers-Users] ArcGIS Tiled Map and tokens

David Wright dwright at i3.com
Thu Aug 13 18:14:36 EDT 2009

Hello Users, 


A couple of questions here.



provides a plugin for OpenLayers 2.6 that supports ArcGIS Server TiledMap
service layers.  I have been watching for this functionality in the 2.7 and
2.8 releases.  I have seen dynamic ArcGISRest93 export (thanks!), but hoping
to see the TiledMap services leveraged in a core release.  Is this likely to


Second, has anyone found a way to access secured ArcGIS Server services in
OpenLayers?  In other API's I can pass a token value as parameter in my
application, but I've not found a way to do this in OpenLayers without a
proxy between OpenLayers and ArcGIS Server.


Thanks for any updates or feedback, 




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