[OpenLayers-Users] Just discovered OpenLayers -> free data sources for businesses?

David Raasch dr4296 at myoldhouse.com
Thu Feb 19 09:31:43 EST 2009

Greetings All!

I just stumbled onto OpenLayers this morning, but let me give a bit of
background before I ask my question:

I work at a 24-hour tech support call center for some proprietary software
that has hundreds of client sites nationwide. A couple years ago, I
developed a Google Maps application (in my spare time) that would pull in
data points for client sites that had opened critical issues occurring at
any given moment.  And, I programmed an email alert system into the whole
thing.  When a new "outage" would appear, the app would not only throw it on
the map, it would also email several key management people.

In those days, this was viewed as a "gee-whiz" sort of thing and they put
the whole thing on a wall monitor in an area where tours came through.  I
gained a bit of notariety, since programming is NOT my primary job.

But then, there was this big upgrade to the bloatware that encompassed our
ticket-generating software.  The XML data service for that totally changed
and I was more or less "locked out"....as our own in-house help desk started
clamping down on security. 

OK, so now about three years have passed.   Some management people
remembered this app and, in the wake of Katrina, asked if I could resurrect
it.  (In the latter days of its existence, I had it also fetch a "current
hurricane" XML feed.)

And so, I dusted off the old code, changed a few things to fit Google Maps
API version 2, and got ready to go.  But then, the question of licensing
came up.

I fired off emails to Google Maps (and Google Earth) and asked for their
pricing schedules.  I then estimated traffic use (based on fairly
intermittent use by....worst-possible-case-scenario: 150 simultaneous users
for several days per year).  My estimates came well within the "first tier"
of Google Maps Enterprise pricing ($10,000).

So, I submitted that.  And the management that had encouraged me to dust off
my code then said "we'll add it to NEXT year's budget".  (Yeah, right.)  

In the interim, word came back from Google Earth that if I we used THAT
instead, there'd be ZERO cost! (Yeah, funny.  I guess the people in sales at
Google Earth don't talk much with the people in sales at Google Maps.) So,
I've been working on that and we're almost ready to go.

However, I know that folks here will find using Google Earth much less
interesting and useful.  Round vs. flat... Can only see half the world at a
time... Have to download a separate app...  I can code a web page with
Google Maps to do all sorts of things, but I can't really touch Google
Earth's code....etc.

Then, this morning, I stumbled upon the OpenLayers site.   

At first, I was quite excited that it seemed somebody was offering a mapping
API for free!  But then, I started reading a bit more and it looks like,
although the application is free, some of the various layer data sources are
free for business use and some are not ????  Is that correct?

With regards to what sort of layers I'm looking for, well, I think we'd just
like some sort of terrain / satellite view and then accurate street maps. 

I know some folks might balk at the idea of me trying to get something for
my division to use for free for business use, but hey, without it, my
application's kind of a dudd.  I can't control what management is willing to
spend.  Just looking for other possible options.


-= Dave =-

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