[OpenLayers-Users] IE Problem!!
rca.cirdan at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 14:33:19 EST 2009
Hello Everybody!
I need some help about using OL in Internet Explorer...
I've developed a UI using Geoserver + OpenLayers and I was testing this
using Firefox...
When I opened my app in IE, besides the small layout differences, I noticed
every control or event using mouse click (or draging) had a little problem:
when I click
to get feature infos, the popup is shown above the location of the click and
returned info is from above the click location too...
When I start to draw the zoom box, it shows up above the place I've started
and this happens to a box I use to filter an area, also with the measures
(extracted from OL Examples)..
When I tested all this in Firefox, everything was good... but in IE...
Is there some thing I'm missing? Some change on src code??
Please, if someone knows about issues like that, I'll thanks a lot because
it's a
project at University!!
Thanks for now!
Rodrigo C. Antonialli
Rio Claro - SP - Brasil
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rcaprofile
Contato: (19) 9757-0370
rca.cirdan at gmail.com
rcantonialli at gmail.com
Skype: rc_antonialli
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