[OpenLayers-Users] rounding-off coordinate of feature geometry at creation

stephane.poirier at usherbrooke.ca stephane.poirier at usherbrooke.ca
Thu Jan 22 11:59:16 EST 2009

Hi All,

I use the following code for handling point and rectangle creation. It works fine. Now, how can one round-off coordinates of the feature geometry before it is created (for point and rectangle)? And also, how can one restrict the drawing of a rectangle 
to discreet sizes?


P.S.: considering the standard point and rectangle handler code

drawControls = 
    point: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(rectangleLayer,
            OpenLayers.Handler.Point, {featureAdded: point_feature_added, handlerOptions: {
            createFeature: function() { this.control.layer.destroyFeatures(); 
            OpenLayers.Handler.Point.prototype.createFeature.apply(this, arguments);}}}),
    rectangle: new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(rectangleLayer,
            OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon, {featureAdded: rectangle_feature_added,
            handlerOptions: { sides: 4, irregular: true, 'displayClass': 'olControlDrawFeatureRectangle',
            createGeometry: function() { this.control.layer.destroyFeatures(); 
            OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon.prototype.createGeometry.apply(this, arguments);}}}) 

for(var key in drawControls) 
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