[OpenLayers-Users] Practical number of vector features...

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Mon Jan 26 08:46:56 EST 2009

> Hi all: Are there any guidelines for the number of vector features that OL 2.7 can handle? I'm feeding is 450 point features
> as GeoJSON and IE 7 in particular takes forever (ok, just a minute or so) to render the interface. Firefox 2 is quicker but is
> jerky with pan and box zooms. 


Using a Cluster() strategy, I managed to have reasonable rendering times
for 3000 points (GeoJSON).  The key is the number of features to draw in
a given BBOX (which defaults to 2X the viewport : look for previous
thread on this list).  In my case, if I can get to draw under 10
clusters it is relatively snappy (and yes those 10 clusters will contain
my 3000 features).  Zooming in, that's when problems occur because then
even the clustering strategy will produce many features to draw.

Sorry for not being more helpful.


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