[OpenLayers-Users] Patching a TMS set

Warren Vick wvick at europa.uk.com
Fri Jun 5 06:32:20 EDT 2009

I've got a nice TMS tile set of the world that I'd like to selectively patch. For instance, I have a tile subset with names in French. Only the tiles that are different are in this subset. What would be the best method of dynamically switching the tiles?

if (TileInPatchSet)
   return PatchTile;
   return BaseTile;

I could do this in the getTile() function passed to OL to service the layer, but a double fetch would be wasteful so I wonder if there is a server solution that would be better? Shadowing with "lndir" would create a lot of symbolic links given the tile count. Is there any other method supported by the OS or web server?


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