[OpenLayers-Users] Dynamically moving markers?

Michael Nosal mnosal at mitre.org
Thu Jun 11 17:16:50 EDT 2009

Yes, I'm working on just that.
Get the new position for your marker, create a new OpenLayers.LonLat  
for it.
var newLonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(nextPos.lon, nextPos.lat);

Get the Px position for that point on your map:
var newPx = g_map.getLayerPxFromLonLat(newLonLat);


On Jun 9, 2009, at 3:33 AM, Juuso Räsänen wrote:

> Hello all,
> I would like to create a map with dynamically moving markers (or  
> features). So something like this...
> http://transport.wspgroup.fi/hklkartta/
> ...
> but much simpler (at least in the beginning) and, of course, utilizing
> OpenLayers insted of GMaps. Well, Have you seen ANYTHING similar
> implemented with OpenLayers? Any, even very simple, examples? For me  
> it
> seems that OpenLayers doesn't provide any (higher level) APIs for
> doing things like that.. Correct?
> I did some proof-of-concept
> tests by periodically calling the following function. It works :), but
> of course there is a lot of coding todo.. :|
> // A function for moving marker to specified lonlat location.
> //  OpenLayers seems to provide only pixel-based moveTo - method...
> function setLonLat(marker, lonlat) {
>     if (lonlat != null) {
>         marker.lonlat = lonlat;
>         if (marker.map != null) {
>         var px = marker.map.getLayerPxFromLonLat(marker.lonlat);
>             if (px != null) {
>                 marker.draw(px);
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> BR,
> - Juuso

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