[OpenLayers-Users] Getting attributes from a Feature-Layer
Kai Behncke
Kai-Behncke at gmx.de
Tue Mar 3 11:38:05 EST 2009
Dear list,
I haven`t got any clue why in that case it was not possible to get to run someting like:
var myFeature=myWfsLayer.getFeatureById(feature.id);
alert (myFeature.attributes.gid);
or e.g. alert (myFeature.data.name)....
but never mind, I found another solution:
In my UMN MS-WFS I wrote
"gml_featureid" "objekt_id" to get the database-Id of the feature.
In the OL-File I wrote:
var objekt_id=myFeature.fid;
With that information a Ajax-Request is sent to a php-file where a database-query is started. These results occur then in the popup.
Best regards and thank you again for the help, Kai
Here the code:
var gastronomap_wfs= new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS( "small_wfs",
{Typename: 'gastronomie_wfs', maxfeatures: 100, extractAttributes:true}
map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());
gastro = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(gastronomap_wfs, {
callbacks: {
'over': function()
feature_info_hover(arguments[0], gastronomap_wfs);
//-----------------------------------------Second Ajax-Request
var resObjekt;
if (navigator.appName.search("Microsoft") > -1) {
//resObjekt = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
resObjekt = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");
else {
resObjekt= new XMLHttpRequest();}
function sndReq(wert) {
alert (wert);
resObjekt.onreadystatechange = handleResponse;
function handleResponse(){
if (resObjekt.readyState == 4){
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML= resObjekt.responseText;
function feature_info_hover(feature, myWfsLayer)
var myFeature=myWfsLayer.getFeatureById(feature.id);
if (myFeature)
var objekt_id=myFeature.fid;
var window_position = new OpenLayers.LonLat(myFeature.geometry.x, myFeature.geometry.y);
this.popup = new OpenLayers.Popup("ol-info-popup", window_position, null, '<div ><span>' +
"Objekt id: " + objekt_id + '</span><br></div><div id="test"></div>', false);
this.popup.autoSize = true;
map.addPopup(this.popup, true);
this.autodestroy = window.setTimeout(function()
if (map && map.popups && map.popups.length > 0)
var len = map.popups.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (map.popups[i] && map.popups[i].destroy)
}, 3000);
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 03 Mar 2009 13:10:45 +0100
> Von: "Kai Behncke" <Kai-Behncke at gmx.de>
> An: users at openlayers.org
> Betreff: [OpenLayers-Users] Getting attributes from a Feature-Layer
> Dear list,
> I have loaded a couple of Features from a WFS (stored in PostGIS) as a
> layer.
> I can get the internal feature.id (myWfsLayer.getFeatureById(feature.id)
> of each feature as well as the geometry.
> But I wonder how I can get the attributes (e.g. name, gid etc.) of that
> layer?
> I´m thinking about sending a HttpRequest to a server with a php-File that
> gives as response the result like (SELECT name, gid from xyz where
> the_geom= feature.geometry).
> I´m pretty sure that this won`t be the most elegant way.
> Is there another way how to get the attributes of a feature?
> Thank you very much, Kai
> --
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