[OpenLayers-Users] Openlayers and Mapnik - Problems generating maps in OL with XML (Mapnik)

"tschobber tschöbbi" tschobber at gmx.at
Wed Mar 18 11:53:54 EDT 2009


I'm trying to run a Mapnik XML file with Openlayers. To do so I have a python class named XML_Factory.py (see code below). I'm able to make a WMS request with just one single layer -> that's working fine, but if I specify another layer with another style I get the following exception in Openlayers and via Mapnik WMS request:

"OGCException: STYLES length does not match LAYERS length."

I solved this problem by specifying more than one style to the STYLES parameter in the mapnik wms request command line. But how am I able to do so in Openlayers? Here's the Mapnik WMS request command line:


This is how I request WMS Mapnik in Openlayers script file:

var mapnikwms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("MapnikWMS","http://gaia.geo.at/cgi-bin/mapnikwms.py?",{layers:['staat01','grenzen'], format:'image/png'});

Thanks for any help.




from mapnik.ogcserver.WMS import BaseWMSFactory

class WMSFactory(BaseWMSFactory):
  def __init__(self):


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