[OpenLayers-Users] IE8 error when adding a vector layer

Amos Hayes ahayes at gcrc.carleton.ca
Fri Mar 20 11:33:40 EDT 2009

There was already an OL bug filed which points to VML problems as a  
result of the same error. I have added the specific error info to it.


I'm still suspicious about the fact that the rule falls in a CSS  
styling problem.

Digging in, it looks like the "behavior" property has been changed to  
"-ms-behavior", which tickles me a bit. :)


Amos Hayes
Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre
Carleton University
ahayes at gcrc.carleton.ca

On 20-Mar-09, at 10:19 AM, Joao Duarte wrote:

> Hi Amos,
> You can file the bug. Meanwhile I can also dig in the problem and  
> talk with
> you if I can achieve some fix for this.
> Regards,
> João Duarte
> SAPO Mapas - http://mapas.sapo.pt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amos Hayes [mailto:ahayes at gcrc.carleton.ca]
> Sent: sexta-feira, 20 de Março de 2009 14:16
> To: dev at openlayers
> Cc: Joao Campos Duarte (PRIMEIT); Christopher Schmidt
> Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] IE8 error when adding a vector layer
> Hello.
> I saw the same error in testing one of our applications. IE 8 RC1 (in
> native IE8 mode) does a much better job with everything else in our
> application though. There seem to be significant improvements in
> layout rendering to bring it in line with Firefox and Safari, although
> it's still slower.
> The bug seems to result from the decision to remove CSS expressions in
> favour of properly implementing CSS.
> http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2008/10/16/ending-expressions.aspx
> I just checked and IE 8 was officially released yesterday! I had no
> idea (I'm deprived that way).
> Joao, did you want to file a bug for this problem or shall I? I may
> try to dig into a fix for it. If Microsoft is finally releasing a
> browser that aims to be standards compatible, I'd hate to see everyone
> just turn on the old rendering engine.
> --
> Amos Hayes
> Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre
> Carleton University
> ahayes at gcrc.carleton.ca
> +1.613.520.2600x8179
> On 20-Mar-09, at 7:46 AM, Christopher Schmidt wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:32:30AM +0000, Joao Duarte wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> I was trying my OL app in IE8 and when I add a Vector Layer to the
>>> map, when
>>> the time comes to assign the VML renderer, I get an error on this
>>> line (in
>>> the VML constructor):
>>> style.addRule('olv\\:*', "behavior: url(#default#VML); " +  
>>> "position:
>>> absolute; display: inline-block;");
>>> Saying invalid argument.
>>> This was not happening in IE7, and if in IE8 I turn on the
>>> compatibility
>>> mode, there’s no error.
>> OpenLayers has not been tested much in IE8. I would say that for the
>> 2.8
>> release or earlier, the bst solution is simply to add the
>> compatibility
>> mode flag.
>> -- Chris
>>> Anyone else saw this?
>>> Regards,
>>> João Duarte
>>> SAPO Mapas,  <http://mapas.sapo.pt> http://mapas.sapo.pt
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>> -- 
>> Christopher Schmidt
>> MetaCarta
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