[OpenLayers-Users] Users Digest, Vol 30, Issue 67

Vidal, Antoni antoni.vidal at icc.cat
Fri Mar 27 05:22:47 EDT 2009


We have implemented this function using a servlet that generates a jpg image calling every tile of the map. Our code is too complex because draws geometries and rasterize text over the image.

I hope you get the idea.

Antoni Vidal
Unitat d'Aplicacions SIG-WEB
Ext. 3228

Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 11:47:30 +0100
From: "VIDAUD Romain" <RVIDAUD at atmo-rhonealpes.org>
Subject: [OpenLayers-Users] Export map as an image
To: <users at openlayers.org>
	<984291E94FEDCB488FBDCE311769936BBA4E33 at messagerie.ATMO.local>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


I just need to know if there is a function that could allow me to
generate an image from the map I mashup on my site ?



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