[OpenLayers-Users] WFS OpenLayers.ProxyHost Tomcat 5.5

Andreas Hocevar ahocevar at opengeo.org
Mon Nov 2 06:23:04 EST 2009


you could use the Proxy extension for GeoServer 2.0. For instructions
and download link, go to


stash wrote:
> Hello,
> I want so show my map with a OpenLayers.Layer.WFS. Therefore I did the same
> as in the openlayers examples to show data with a WFS. But in my case, it
> doesn't work. 
> After some reading in the internet i found out, that I have to configure a
> OpenLayers.ProxyHost to show the data with a WFS. 
> In the examples I always found this type of code:
> OpenLayers.ProxyHost="/proxy/?url=";
> What does that mean? Furthermore I found out, that I have to configure more,
> when I use Tomcat.
> In my case I use a Server with Tomcat 5.5 installed and Geoserver to connect
> to WFS
> http://IP:PORT/geoserver/wfs
> What do I have to configure that I can show my data on Map over WFS.
> (Sorry for my english, it is not the best)
> Regards
> stash

Andreas Hocevar
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