[OpenLayers-Users] mergeNewParams not working

David Alda Fernandez de Lezea dalda at ikt.es
Fri Nov 13 03:34:18 EST 2009

Sure, here it is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
	<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" method="xml"/>
	<xsl:param name="objetoPila" select="null"/>
	<xsl:template match="/">
		<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0"  xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/sld
			StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd" xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/sld"
		        		<Name>Selección de Recintos</Name>
		        				<ogc:Filter xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml">
		        						<CssParameter name="fill">#FFCC66</CssParameter>
										<CssParameter name="fill-opacity">0.5</CssParameter> 
										<CssParameter name="stroke">#00FF00</CssParameter> 
										<CssParameter name="stroke-width">3</CssParameter> 

One more question, I have 2 layers, both are taken from my WMS but one is a raster file, that acts as base layer, and the other one is polygon layer. In which of them do I have to apply the new params??. I've tried appliying them in my polygon layer.

Un saludo,

David Alda Fernández de Lezea
Lurralde eta Biodibertsitate Saila / Dpto. de Territorio y Biodiversidad
Granja Modelo s/n · 01192 · Arkaute (Araba)

Tlfnos.: 945-00-32-95                         Fax: 945-00.32.90
email: dalda at ikt.es                                web: www.ikt.es

-----Mensaje original-----
De: bartvde at osgis.nl [mailto:bartvde at osgis.nl] 
Enviado el: viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009 9:18
Para: David Alda Fernandez de Lezea
CC: users at openlayers.org
Asunto: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] mergeNewParams not working

Can you post the contents of your SLD XML?

Best regards,

> Hello,
> I want to apply some SLD generated on the fly through SLD_BODY 
> parameter using the following code:
> var sld = getSLD("sld1.xsl","pilaXML.xml"); var wms = 
> map.getLayersByName("myLayerName")[0];
> wms.mergeNewParams({SLD_BODY: sld});
> but I don't get any result. The image is refreshed in the browser but 
> there's no selection at all. I've got a debug file for my WMS server 
> and I don't seem to get any error:
> [Fri Nov 13 09:00:18 2009].346000 CGI Request 1 on process 5940
> My SLD contains 2084 characters, it could be that the problem? Or 
> maybe I'm doing something wrong. Has anybody any idea of what's happening??
> Thanks.
> Un saludo,
> ······································································
> ············
> David Alda Fernández de Lezea
> Lurralde eta Biodibertsitate Saila / Dpto. de Territorio y 
> Biodiversidad
> Granja Modelo s/n · 01192 · Arkaute (Araba)
> ··················································································
> Tlfnos.: 945-00-32-95                         Fax: 945-00.32.90
> ··················································································
> email: dalda at ikt.es                                web: www.ikt.es
> <http://www.ikt.es/>
> ······································································
> ············
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