[OpenLayers-Users] Automatic marker position update

hekuran S. Doli hekuran.doli at logisticsplus-ks.com
Wed Nov 18 08:04:08 EST 2009

Hello Guys, 

I need a fresh pair of eyes, any bright idea would be much appreciated. 

I'm using two functions to achive the following: 

1. to add markers from Text; and, 
2. to remove and destroy those markers (in other words to reposition them). 

This way I'm loading periodically the markers position. But because the markers are deleted and then recreated again I find my markers flashing each time they are updated. 

So is there a way to update the markers position instead of removing and creating them? The whole idea is to get rid if marker flickering! 

the functions are as follow: 

function addUrl() { 
newl = new OpenLayers.Layer.Text( "Makinat", {location: "./Views/makinat.php"} ); 
function del() { 

I published an example of this at . 

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