[OpenLayers-Users] how to initialize 'WFS.fromWMSLayer' with features

John Pulles john.pulles at geodan.nl
Thu Nov 19 03:42:47 EST 2009

Eric Lemoine schreef:
> On Wednesday, November 18, 2009, John Pulles <john.pulles at geodan.nl> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> Like the example at
>> http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/getfeature-wfs.html, I am using the
>> OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWSMLayer convenience function to select
>> features from a wms layer and collect the values of a certain attribute.
>> When opening the same map a next time, I would like to show which
>> features were selected. Now I'm looking for a way to add features to the
>> wfs layer based on some attribute values, what would be the easiest way?
> you can register a "beforefeatureadded" listener on the vector layer,
> something like that:
> layer.events.on({
>     beforefeatureadded: function(e) {
>         // only add features whose foo attribute
>         // is set to "bar"
>         return e.feature.attributes.foo == "bar" ?
>              true : false;
>     }
> });
Hi Eric,

What I would like is to fill the vector layer at initialization with the 
known features from the associated wfs layer. The beforefeatureadded 
event would still require the user to select features and then only adds 
the known features. But how to fill the vector layer with these 
features, without any action from the user?


> cheers,


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