[OpenLayers-Users] how to initialize 'WFS.fromWMSLayer' with features

bartvde at osgis.nl bartvde at osgis.nl
Thu Nov 19 04:59:13 EST 2009

Call the read function on the returned protocol yourself.

Best regards,

> Eric Lemoine schreef:
>>> Like the example at
>>> http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/getfeature-wfs.html, I am using the
>>> OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWSMLayer convenience function to select
>>> features from a wms layer and collect the values of a certain
>>> attribute.
>>> When opening the same map a next time, I would like to show which
>>> features were selected. Now I'm looking for a way to add features to
>>> the
>>> wfs layer based on some attribute values, what would be the easiest
>>> way?
>>> you can register a "beforefeatureadded" listener on the vector layer,
>>> something like that:
>>> layer.events.on({
>>>     beforefeatureadded: function(e) {
>>>         // only add features whose foo attribute
>>>         // is set to "bar"
>>>         return e.feature.attributes.foo == "bar" ?
>>>              true : false;
>>>     }
>>> });
>>> Hi Eric,
>>> What I would like is to fill the vector layer at initialization with
>>> the
>>> known features from the associated wfs layer. The beforefeatureadded
>>> event
>>> would still require the user to select features and then only adds the
>>> known
>>> features. But how to fill the vector layer with these features, without
>>> any
>>> action from the user?
>> I don't get it. beforefeatureadded is triggered for every feature
>> added to the layer, it has nothing to do with the user selecting
>> features, hasn't it?
> But where (or when) do the features come from? The
> OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWSMLayer function doesn't automatically
> fetch features from the wfs layer, but only in response to a click
> event. I would like it to automatically fetch (some) features at startup
> but don't know how.
> John.
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