[OpenLayers-Users] Label for linestring vector

Walter Lorenzetti lorenzetti at gis3w.it
Wed Oct 21 10:41:22 EDT 2009

Hi All,

I try to use the label property in style obj for a linestring Vector
layer, but I found a strange behavior,
I try this in my style defination:


label: "Something",
labelAlign: "cm"


in point and polygon layers the label are put in centrum x and middle y
position for the point or polygon centroid
instead for a line vector layer the label are put in the last point of
linestring not to the line middle point...

is correct? I do some mistake?

Thanks in advance


Walter Lorenzetti
email: lorenzetti at gis3w.it
skype: aiki74
Cell: (+39) 347-6597931  Tel+Fax: (+39) 0588 85021
Viale Giuseppe Verdi n. 24, 51016
Montecatini Terme,Pistoia
P.IVA 01686280478

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