[OpenLayers-Users] Problem with Google Maps and WMS layer

Heiko Schröter schroete at iup.physik.uni-bremen.de
Mon Oct 26 10:03:22 EDT 2009

Am Montag 26 Oktober 2009 14:40:37 schrieb Sune Dogan, LIFA A/S:
> Is it possible to have Google Maps as a baselayer and a WMS service as
> overlay. Is there any working examples with that?
> My WMS has projection: EPSG:25832

Definitly possible.
We are reprojecting EPSG:4326->EPSG:900913(unofficial Google et.al.) Projection using WMS requests via MapServer.
The key is to make MapServer reproject your default epsg:25832->epsg:900913.
The Overlay than with OpenLayer is no Problem.


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