[OpenLayers-Users] 500 Unexpected Error

seis4web at web.de seis4web at web.de
Thu Sep 10 04:12:00 EDT 2009

Hi list,

I've set up a "new" server for my OpenLayers application using the FGS project (UMN MapServer 5.4, OpenLayers 2.8, PostgreSQL/PostGIS).

On the "old" server my application is working fine and I can query the objects displayed on my map (WMS). The result of an GetFeatureInfo-Request is displayed with the help of an HTML-template next to the map frame. 
In Firebug I can see that in the OpenLayers.js  the following line (1081) is called:
cXMLHttpRequest.onsend.apply(this,arguments);if(vData&&vData.nodeType){vData=window.XMLSerializer?new window.XMLSerializer().serializeToString(vData):vData.xml;if(!this._headers["Content-Type"])

When I query an object on my new server I get the following error messages:
In a pop up window:
"Unhandled request return Unexpected Error."
In Firebug:
"500 Unexpected Error" (after 3m 9s)
In Firebug I can see that in the OpenLayers.js  a different line (than on my "old" server - 1083) is called:

Any advice is welcome!

Best regards, 

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