[OpenLayers-Users] Request PDF from GeoServer

Andreas Hocevar ahocevar at opengeo.org
Tue Sep 22 08:54:18 EDT 2009

cgp wrote:
> Referring to the archives:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/users@openlayers.org/msg00277.html
> I am wondering how to print the base layer to the PDF as well? I am using
> Google base layers and I don't know which property to use to pass into the
> URL. The line "layersstring.push(map.layers[i].params.LAYERS)" does not work
> for Google layers because they don't have the Layers property.

This technique only works for layers that are all on the same server. 
Google is a separate service. What you could try is create SLD inline 
features from the Google tiles, but I neither know whether the Terms Of 
Use allow to do this, nor if it is possible at all to access the tiles 
on the server without the Google API.


> Thanks for your help.

Andreas Hocevar
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org/
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