[OpenLayers-Users] (no subject)

Rauch, Barbara rauch at rvr-online.de
Tue Sep 22 09:58:28 EDT 2009



I successfully implemented the Mapfish Print Module in my OpenLayers-Client for to print WMS and WFS-Symbols. Afterwards I embedded a layer in OpenLayers using the ArcGIS-Rest API, but it's not possible to print this layer. The PDF is produced, but when I open it, the map-image is missing, it's a white PDF only with title, comment, etc...


Does anybody know, if it's even possible to print this layer or is the ArcGIS Rest API not yet supported in the Print Module? In the *.yaml I allowed the new host from the ArcGIS-Server.


Thanks and greetings




Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Barbara Rauch

Klima u. Lufthygiene
Fon: +49 201 2069-399

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