[OpenLayers-Users] Capture Events

Diego Roberto diegorrborges at yahoo.com.br
Sun Sep 27 23:23:35 EDT 2009

need to capture an event after drawing a polygon on the map. At the
User map enables the control to draw a polygon on the map and the final
design of the desire to capture the coordinates of this polygon to
generate a search space. I can not make it through an event. 
Currently I use a search button that has a onclick function that calls for the following item caught the coordinates: 

var strPoligono = geojson.write (poligono.features, true); 

Now how to make it through when it finishes drawing the polygon ta
screen? I tried using the onClick function but without success: 

  onClick: function (evt) ( 
                         / / Capture the screen coordinates 
                                 var strPoligono = geojson.write (poligono.features, true); 
                                 / / Capture the zoom level of the map 
                                 nivelZoom map.getZoom = (); 
                               / / Call the function as parameter is the level of zoom and the coordinates 
                                query (strPoligono, nivelZoom); 


I also tried with no success onDblclickporém: 

  ondblclick: function (evt) ( 
                         / / Capture the screen coordinates 
                                 var strPoligono = geojson.write (poligono.features, true); 
                                 / / Capture the zoom level of the map 
                                 nivelZoom map.getZoom = (); 
                               / / Call the function as parameter is the level of zoom and the coordinates 
                                query (strPoligono, nivelZoom); 


I use the following layer: 

     / / Layer to design for polygon generation of space research 
                 polygon = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector ( 'Search Polygon', 
                                     / / Blue Style applied to the polygon 
                         Style: OpenLayers.StyleMap new (( 
                             fillColor: "# 333399" 
                             fillOpacity: 0.5 

Can anyone help me? 

Thank you for your attention. Have a great week. 
Diego Roberto
+ 55 (62) 9619-0902 
"Run after your dream ... They are the only thing you care even when you're sleeping!" 


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