[OpenLayers-Users] vector layer destroyed twice throws error

Chris Green chris.green at ibstv.co.uk
Mon Apr 12 03:13:51 EDT 2010

Hello List


I am using OL 2.8 and have a vector layer that is populated with features
via WFS. In my application I  need to be able to remove and re-create the
vector layer repeatedly, which I can perform once only  but the second time
I call layer.detroy() I get the error 'this div is null' thrown by the
getZIndex function in Layer.js.


I see that there is a ticket number 1697 that appears to relate to this but
it was raised for OL 2.6 and I don't know if it will work with 2.8 (and in
any case I am not sure how to apply patches). Can someone enlighten me about
this problem please?







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