[OpenLayers-Users] GML feature attributes

Chris Green chris.green at ibstv.co.uk
Tue Apr 20 06:30:41 EDT 2010

Hi all


After much experimentation I have succeeded in creating a vector layer which
is populated by a WFS GetFeature call to a WMS layer using a DWITHIN spatial
filter. So I can now display on my vector layer all features within a given
radius. Success!!!


However, now I want to get a list of the names of all of the features
displayed but I can't find a way to do that because it seems that GetFeature
with a spatial filter does not return any feature attributes, only the
contour of each feature that it finds within the filter. Is there a way to
obtain other feature attributes? (I tried 'extractAttributes: true' as a
parameter in the WFS protocol but this does not help).


Any comments very welcome.






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