[OpenLayers-Users] Labels not showing

geojoe jwolter at wisc.edu
Tue Apr 20 15:00:19 EDT 2010

I created a vector layer to display labels.  The layer shows up in the
"Overlays" legend and the points with the proper color show on the map.  

No labels are visible but an alert() in the code shows that each point has a
valid label attribute.

What am I missing?


function createLabelVectorLayer(theLayerName) {

   theLabelVectors = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector( theLayerName, 
		styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap(
                    strokeColor:    "${fill_color}",
                    strokeOpacity: 0.9,
                    strokeWidth:   3,
                    fillColor:          "${fill_color}",
                    fillOpacity:     0.9,
                    pointRadius:   3,
                    pointerEvents: "visiblePainted",
                    fontColor:       "red",
                    fontWeight:    "bold",
                    label:         "${label}"

processResponseText(prod) {

	for (var ii=0; ii<prod.features.length; ii++) { 

            site_name = prod.features[ii].properties.site_name;
            site_type  = prod.features[ii].properties.site_type;
            material    = prod.features[ii].properties.bm_material;

	    /* Get the geometry x, y. */ 
            fPoint = prod.features[ii].geometry['coordinates'];        
	    x      = fPoint[0].toString(); 
            y      = fPoint[1].toString();
	    the_geom = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(x, y);

            if(site_type=="User") fill = "Green";
            else		         fill = "Orange";

	    theLabel = site_name+", "+material;

	    features[ii] = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(the_geom);
	    features[ii].attributes = { "label": theLabel, "fill_color": fill };


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