[OpenLayers-Users] IE8 problem with VMS

Enrico Sartorello enrico.sartorello at gmail.com
Fri Apr 23 07:56:21 EDT 2010


I'm experiencing some troubles using OL 2.9 with IE8.
I'm trying to add to my OpenLayers map a vector layer: it works perfectly on
FF\Chrome, but in IE8 there's an error.

Inside map.addLayer() call, the problem arises in VML.js, lines 147-160:
basically, what I've found debugging is that vars this.root,
this.vectorRoot, this.textRoot have all the attributes (even style, which is
the one used in those lines) set to "Failed". Only this.rendererRoot has
right values.

The vector layer is loaded after window.onload, coupled with the opening of
an AJAX panel.
Using "EmulateIE7" mode doesn't solve anything.

What can it be?
Thanks in advance for your attention :-)

Enrico Sartorello
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