[OpenLayers-Users] Basic GeoServer OpenLayers map

Frank Broniewski brfr at metrico.lu
Mon Apr 26 02:36:51 EDT 2010

Please reply also to the OpenLayers list!

If the WMS request works in your browser there should'nt be a problem 
with the geoserver setup. I suspect the problem in your OL 
configuration. Usually I define a maxetent and a resolutions/or scale 
array for the map and then do a setCenter() at the end of the config ...

Please show us a minimal example. Without that it is impossible for us 
to locate your problem.


Am 24.04.2010 08:38, schrieb Steven Venter:
> Hi Frank
> If I put
> http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap
> &layers=topp:states$styles=&bbox=-124.7314220000001,24.955967,-66.969849,49.
> 371735&width=708&height=330&srs=EPSG:4326&format=image/png in to my browsers
> adders bar I get a png generate image of most of the USA states.
> I also debugged my script to see what the request to the server looks like.
> As far as I can tell it all seems right.
> Under the DEFAULT_PARAMS variable I have this:
> Exceptions "application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage
> Format "image/jpeg"
> Request "GetMap"
> Service "WMS"
> Style " "
> Version "1.1.1"
> Under the params section I get the same but for the following:
> FORMAT "image/png" -- as i requested
> LAYERS "[topp:states]"
> The url variable contain this:
> http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms
> But I still can’t get the image displayed. I get the navigation items the
> css border displayed, and in firebug the bounds is null error.
> The layers that I use are standard geogerver layers that are pre-installed.
> I’m using these until I can get the basics right.
> 1. Do you have to specify the bounds? From the OL examples it doesn’t seem
> so.
> 2. Could this be a server problem?
> 3. What else could I check?
> 4. Any other suggestions.
> Thanks for you help.
> Steven
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Broniewski [mailto:brfr at metrico.lu]
> Sent: 23 April 2010 02:37 PM
> To: Steven Venter; users at openlayers.org
> Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Basic GeoServer OpenLayers map
> Hello Steven,
> unfortunately I have no experience with geoserver, but request URLs from
> Openlayers WMS are conform to the OGC standards and if geoserver is also
> conform there should'nt be a problem. A OL generated request from my
> application:
> http://www.gis-hosting.lu/ogc/service/osm?LAYERS=label&STYLES=,,,&FORMAT=ima
> ge%2Fpng&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fv
> nd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS=EPSG%3A2169&BBOX=67416.666666,70311.458332975,88583.33
> 3334,81688.541667025&WIDTH=1200&HEIGHT=645
> It is in the Net tab from firebug. Something like GET osm?LAYERS= ...
> If you suspect the problem with geoserver you could try the WMS requests
> in your browser so you can be sure that they are working. If you think
> its a OL configuration problem please show your layer config code so
> that we can search there ...
> A OL WMS Layer example:
> new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
>                   'WMS',
>                   'http://www.gis-hosting.lu/ogc/service/osm',
>                   {
>                       layers: ['base','traffic','place-label'],
>                       styles: ['','','',''], format: 'image/png'
>                   },
>                   {
>                       isBaseLayer: true,
>                       singleTile: true
>                   }
>               );
> Frank
> Am 23.04.2010 14:11, schrieb Steven Venter:
>> Hi Frank
>> Thanks for replying.
>> I used firebug to look at the requests being sent to the server. The css
>> stuff and the navigation items are requested but no request to fetch the
>> image from the server.
>> I used geoserver functionality to display the image in a page. I then cut
>> and pasted that in to the code. I read on a tutorial site
>> (http://vasir.net/blog/openlayers/openlayers-tutorial-part2-layers/) that
>> some of the info for the request will be generated by openlayer, this site
>> deals with MapServer so I tried to adapt that to geoserver.
>> I will try what you suggested, but I’m not sure which parts of the request
>> are auto generated.
>> Steven
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Frank Broniewski [mailto:brfr at metrico.lu]
>> Sent: 23 April 2010 08:17 AM
>> To: ZAMap
>> Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Basic GeoServer OpenLayers map
>> Hi,
>> did you already try to put the requested URL from the OpenLayers request
>> in the address field of your browser and examine the response? I use
>> Firebug for that and this already helps me alot for debugging WMS
> requests.
>> Frank
>> Am 22.04.2010 20:03, schrieb ZAMap:
>>> Hi all
>>> I'm trying to get a basic map displayed but keep getting bounds is null
>>> error.
>>> None of the suggestions (allOverlays: true) that I found works, most
>>> probably because of other issues with my code/setup.
>>> Code:
>>> function init() {
>>>      var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
>>>      var layers = new OpenLayers.Layers.WMS(
>>>        "basic",
>>>        "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms",
>>>        {layers: 'topp:states'}
>>>      map.addLayers(layers);
>>>      map.zoomToMaxExtent();
>>> }
>>> My geoserver is working, I can request the map and other data from the
>>> server. Any pointers to good tutorials are welcome.
>>> Setup:
>>> Ubuntu 9.10
>>> GeoServer 2.0.1
>>> Openlayers 2.8
>>> I would appreciate any help.


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