[OpenLayers-Users] Select and Drag Control

Tony Jeffree tjeffree at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 09:35:01 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I'm attempting to create a scenario where a set of vectors (in this case,
external images) can be clickable and draggable, with as little intervention
by the user as possible. I've spent some time trying to hack this together,
and search to see if others have done the same thing but the closest I get
is this thread:

I'm not exactly sure what the last couple of posts are referring to there.
I've found some hacks where upon clicking a feature it will activate the
drag control, but that's not ideal as you wouldn't expect to have to first
click, and then drag - just drag it right away makes more sense.

If anyone has any pointers as a way to create a custom control for this I
would really appreciate it. Or of course tell me it's not so possible so I
can stop pulling my hair out.

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