[OpenLayers-Users] Overlay tiger data on top of google maps, fail

Alessandro Ferrucci alessandroferrucci at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 09:58:44 EDT 2010

I have a map.  Base layer is standard google maps, SRS of map is
EPSG:900913.  I have a PostGIS database with Tiger state boundaries, native
SRS is EPSG:4269.

I would like to overlay the tiger data on top of google maps.

Here is the entire HTML/Javascript snippet:

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <title>WMS Reprojection Example</title>
        <script src="http://openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js"
        <script src="
        <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript">
            function init()
                var mercator = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
                var geographic = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4269");
                var maxExt = new OpenLayers.Bounds( -20037508, -20037508,
20037508, 20037508 );

                map = new OpenLayers.Map(
                        projection: mercator,
                        displayProjection: geographic,
                        units: 'm',
                        maxResolution: 156543.0039,
                        maxExtent: maxExt

                var googleLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(
                    "Google Layer",
                    {spericalMercator: true}

                var wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
                    "State Boundaries WMS",
                        layers: "state_boundaries",
                        srs: 'EPSG:4269',
                        tiled: 'true'
                    {'isBaseLayer': false}/*,
                    { projection: "EPSG:4269" }*/

                map.addLayer( googleLayer );

                map.addLayer( wms );

                var ddBounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds( -73.839111, 40.287907,
-68.214111, 44.441624 );
                map.zoomToExtent( ddBounds.transform(geographic, mercator)

    <body onload="init()">
        <div style="width:100%; height:100%; background-color: #99B3CC"


An interesting point is.

All the WMS requests that are made to my local geoserver instance do in fact
return blank tiles.

When I look at all the WMS requests there are google WMS requests and WMS
requests to my local host for the "wms" layer.  The local WMS requests look
like this:


Notice the SRS=EPSG%3A900913

When I change this URL to have SRS=EPSG%3A4269  I get snippets of state
boundaries but they look stretched vertically.

Any thoughts/ideas?
thank you

Alessandro Ferrucci
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