[OpenLayers-Users] Accessing Property of a Class from another Class

Kalyan Kamepalli kalyan.kamepalli at gmail.com
Mon Aug 9 00:04:47 EDT 2010

Hello Group,

I have two classes A and B and I have a property called isReady on class
A.Now, I want to access this property value from within Class B. How to do
this. I saw few other instances of this in OpenLayers like

OpenLayers.Map.XYZ etc

in the similar fashion

I did something like

console.log( OpenLayers.Control.SlMarkUp.isMarkUp  ) in ClickHandler Class.
Irrespective of the value in isMarkUp, the log always shows undefined. What
could be the reason for that ?? Can we not access the value of one class
property from within another class ?


SlMarkUp and ClickHandler are the two classes inheriting from

Any help ??

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